Creating a Project List from your Talent Database
Why it's important
Symbonic makes it easy to create a project list directly from the Talent Database. This allows the user to customize a list for a project while viewing the entire talent database from the following different Views:
- Standard View (Agency, Point Agent, Level)
- Staffing and Skills View (Level, Roles, Known For)
- Contact View (Company, eMail, Phone Number)
- Advanced Detail View (Updated Date, Who Updated Last)
Once you've selected the best View, all you need to do is Check the White Box on the far left of each Talent Entry. Once you've checked all the talent you need to create your list, you click Create List on the bottom right. This will take you to the Add New List page where you will need to add a List Name and attach it to the correct Project and click Save.
You are almost finished!
Once you click Save, it will take you to the Lists Page, and your newly added list should be right at the top. Once you've located your list click on the List Name. You will see your newly created list with all the talent you selected earlier. Lastly, you need to click on each one of the names to add the following:
- Status
- Category
- Roles
- Click Save
Congratulations you have created a fully functional Project List from your Talent Database