Adding a new workspace
Why it is Important
With Symbonic, you can create customized team workspaces that allow you to more easily manage the development process of an entire project or talent slate from one place. Once you have added your first team workspace, you will be ready to add seats and send out invitations to collegues to join your new team workspace.
Adding Your First Team Workspace
- Click on the Workspace Switcher in the upper left corner
- Scroll down and click Workspace Manager
- Make sure that you have a Team or Company Plan with available workspaces, if not then upgrade your plan and make sure you have a sufficient number of available seats for your new workspace
- Click Add Workspace in the top right corner under your account name
- Add the Workspace Name, select the type of workspace, and click Save.
- From here you will be able to invite new or existing users to your new Workspace, depending on how many available seats you have.
Workspace Overview
After adding your workspace and inviting new or existing members to join, you will be able to access your new workspace in the Workspace Switcher in the top left corner.